domingo, 14 de março de 2010

Cooperative Learning or Collaborative Learning?

Specific features can be assigned to both approaches if one thinks about the student's and the teacher's role, the amount of liberty, the knowledge, the interaction, the processes ...

Annotated Bibliography

Panitz, Ted. Collaborative Versus Cooperative Learning: Comparing the Two Definitions Helps Understand the Nature of Interactive learning in

In this paper Ted Panitz, an American educator who has been working on Interactive/Collaborative Approaches to Teaching and Learning and Adult Education, states his own definitions on collaborative and cooperative learning. These methods have their foundations in constructivist epistemology. Ted Panitz reviews the authors who guided him in his research, explains the theoretical issues in each of them and acknowledges the benefits of cooperative and collaborative techniques. Despite the differences between them, which require a different philosophy and different attitude of the teacher, Ken Brufee “sees the two approaches as somewhat linear with collaborative learning being designed to pick up where cooperative learning leaves off”; collaborative learning is also seen as “a personal philosophy, not just a classroom technique”.
“Interactive learning relies on the application of computer technology as the collaborative medium between student and teacher. But all three learning approaches recognize that learning is indeed a two-way street with teaching and learning being two components of the same educational system. The approaches diverge in the amount of freedom allowed the participants; collaborative learning strategies are the most open.”  
The point is to involve the students in the learning process, no matter if you promote cooperative or collaborative approaches.

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